FOI reference: FOI-2024-1998

You asked

1. Could you kindly give the amount of PAYE tax paid to the tax department on a yearly basis since inception after privatisation 1994? From the Mineworkers pension scheme based in Sheffield?  If this isn't possible the amount on a yearly basis for the last 5/10 years?

2. Could you also provide the performance figures for the pension fund investments as it should be possible to compare underlying fund performance that funds the pension payout as it seems the Financial Times doesn't carry these public sector performance tables? So the ONS could advise or provide the same?

We said

Thank you for your request.

Unfortunately, we hold no information on the PAYE tax paid by the Mineworkers pension scheme based in Sheffield. Perhaps HMRC may be able to provide some guidance via

Further, we have no information on the performance figures for the pension fund investments of the Mineworkers pension scheme based in Sheffield but suggest contacting the Miner's Pension Scheme at who may be able to provide the information you require.