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Public corporations (S.11001): Currency and deposits (AF.2): Level: Liability: Current price: £million: Not seasonally adjusted
Central Government:LI:LEVEL:Currency and deposits: CP NSA
Public Sector: Liability: Short term loans by RoW: (AF.41N9): £m: CP: NSA
Public sector: Public sector borrowing inc PS banks as % GDP (monthly & quarterly): CPNSA
Public sector (excluding public sector banks): Level: Liabilities outside the boundary of PSND: £m CP NSA
GG: Current budget deficit (-B8n+D91): £m CPNSA
Public Sector: Liability: Trade Credits and Advances: (AF.81): £m: CP: NSA
PS: exc PS Banks: Current receipts: Rent and other current transfers: £m CPNSA
PS: Net lending to private sector and Rest of World: £m CPNSA
Public Sector: Liability: Other Accounts Payable, Excluding Trade Credits and Advances: (AF.89): £m: CP: NSA