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IoS: 65: Insurance, Reinsurance And Pension Funding, Except Compulsory Social Security: Weights
IoS: 62: Computer programming consultancy & related activities: 3m on 3m growth
Other service activities (period on period growth) :CVM SA
Manufacturing (3 month on 3 month growth) :CVM SA
IoS: 73: Advertising and market research: 3m on 3m growth
Wholesale & retail trade; Repair of motor vehicles/cycles (3 month on 3 month growth) :CVM SA
IoS: 74: Other profess scientific and technical activities: Period on Period Growth
Trade in Goods: Footwear (85): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
IoS: IoS: Services: Weights
Public admin and defence; Compulsory social security (3m on 3m 1 year ago growth) :CVM SA