Offence Number of incidents or offences in YE June 2023 Percentage change compared to YE June 2022 Twenty year timeline to June 2023 Source
Fraud 3,335,000 -13% [S] 20172023 CSEW
Theft 2,628,000 -2%  [NS] 20032023 CSEW
Violent crime 890,000 -23%  [NS] 20032023 CSEW
Computer misuse 850,000 33% [S] 20172023 CSEW
Vehicle offences 400,861 6% 20032023 PRC
Burglary 272,402 -1% 20032023 PRC
Robbery 77,337 11% 20032023 PRC
Knife and sharp instruments 50,833 3% 20112023 PRC
Homicide 602 -10% 20032023 PRC
[S] = significant
[NS] = not significant
= Comparable data unavailable

Source: Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) from the Office for National Statistics, Police recorded crime (PRC) from the Home Office