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About the data in this map

Trade in goods data is compiled by HM Revenue & Customs and published in the Overseas Trade Statistics release. This data represents the physical flow of goods across the UK border, and it should be noted that this is on a different basis to ONS trade in goods data which is produced on a Balance of Payments basis (change in ownership).

The data is sourced from the Intrastat Survey for EU despatches (exports) and arrivals (imports) and customs declaration forms for Non-EU exports and imports. All data on the map is the value of goods traded in £ Sterling. Data on trade in services, which by value in 2016 represented around 40% of all UK exports and 23% of all UK imports, is not included within this data.

For further information on the HMRC trade in goods data see

Source: Additional country data for trade in goods and services between 1999 and 2016, ONS