
Context Calculator

This handy calculator is here to help you make meaning of the many large numbers used in the EU debate, particularly the figures on the UK's net contribution to the EU.

Click on either of the two buttons - or just type in a figure - and it will break it down for you.

£11 billion
ONS net contribution figure1
£7.8 billion
European Commission net contribution figure2
Per week

make selection

Per person per year

make selection

Per person per day

make selection

% of 2018 government spending

make selection

1 - This figure is the UK's contribution to the EU in 2018 net of the rebate and the EU payments to the UK public sector.

2 - This figure is the UK's average contribution to the EU for 2014 to 2018, net of the rebate and the EU payments to the UK public and private sectors.