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Housing prices in South Tyneside

How average house prices and rents are changing in South Tyneside.

In South Tyneside:

House price £156,000

The average house price in South Tyneside was £156,000 in December 2024 (provisional), up 7.0% from December 2023. This was higher than the rise in the North East (6.7%) over the same period.

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Monthly rent £665

Private rents rose to an average of £665 in January 2025, an annual increase of 9.7% from £606 in January 2024. This was higher than the rise in the North East (8.7%) over the year.

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First-time buyers £141,000

The average price paid by first-time buyers was £141,000 in December 2024 (provisional). This was 7.6% higher than the average of £131,000 in December 2023 (revised).

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Mortgage buyers £161,000

For homes bought with a mortgage, the average house price was £161,000 in December 2024 (provisional). This was 7.4% higher than the average of £150,000 in December 2023 (revised).

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Local housing data are based on a smaller number of properties than our national estimates. This means that short-term trends are more variable. We advise looking at trends over a year or longer.

We regularly revise our house prices estimates. UK-level rent estimates for the latest two months, and all house price data, are provisional and subject to revision.

Figures in this article are not seasonally adjusted.

You may also be interested in our recent analysis of which local areas of England and Wales have been most and least exposed to rising mortgage and rent costs during 2023.

Average house price in South Tyneside was £156,000 in December 2024

The provisional average house price in South Tyneside in December 2024 was £156,000. This was higher than the average of £145,000 in December 2023 (revised), a 7.0% rise.

Annual change in house prices in South Tyneside

House price annual inflation, South Tyneside, January 2005 to December 2024

Across the North East, the average house price in December 2024 was £161,000, which was more than a year earlier (£151,000).

This meant that, in December 2024, South Tyneside had the fifth highest average house price in the North East.

Across Great Britain, a home sold for an average of £271,000 in December 2024, which was up from the December 2023 average of £259,000.

In the year to December 2024, the average price for semi-detached properties in South Tyneside rose by 7.6%, while the average price for flats increased by 5.4%.

Change in house price by type of property in South Tyneside

Provisional figure for 12-month change in house price, by property type, December 2024

For each property type, average prices as of December 2024 in South Tyneside were:

  • Detached properties: £304,000
  • Semi-detached properties: £182,000
  • Terraced properties: £147,000
  • Flats and maisonettes: £96,000

Average private rents rose in South Tyneside

The average monthly private rent in South Tyneside was £665 in January 2025. This was an increase from £606 in January 2024, a 9.7% rise.

Annual change in rents in South Tyneside

Private rental price annual inflation, South Tyneside, January 2016 to January 2025

Across the North East, the average monthly rent was £710, up from £653 a year earlier.

Across Great Britain, the average rent price in January 2025 was £1,332, which was up from £1,226 in January 2024.

Average rent in South Tyneside compared with the North East

Average rental price, January 2025

In South Tyneside, the average rent for semi-detached properties rose by 10.1%, while for detached properties, it increased by 9.2%.

Average rent for one bed properties rose by 10.4%, while the average for four-or-more bed properties increased by 8.5%.

Change in average rents by bedroom number in South Tyneside

Monthly private rental price, annual inflation, January 2025

By how many bedrooms there are in a property, average rents as of January 2025 in South Tyneside were:

  • One bedroom: £458
  • Two bedrooms: £577
  • Three bedrooms: £693
  • Four or more bedrooms: £932

Taking the data instead by property type, average rents were:

  • Flats and maisonettes: £570
  • Terraced properties: £665
  • Semi-detached properties: £700
  • Detached properties: £985

We also publish private rental affordability for local areas in England and Wales, comparing rents to household incomes.

First-time buyers in South Tyneside paid £141,000 on average in December 2024

The provisional average price paid by first-time buyers was £141,000 in December 2024. This was higher than the revised December 2023 average of £131,000.

First-time buyer house price in South Tyneside compared with the North East

Average house price for first-time buyers in December 2024

In comparison, home-movers in South Tyneside paid an average of £181,000 in December 2024. This was higher than £170,000 a year earlier.

In December 2024, the average price was £192,000 in the North East and £330,000 in Great Britain.

We do not produce figures for first-time buyer prices by type of property. Average house prices by property type for price paid data are available above.

Average house price for mortgage buyers rose in South Tyneside

The average price of a home bought with a mortgage in South Tyneside was £161,000 in December 2024 (provisional). This was higher than an average of £150,000 in December 2023 (revised).

Across the North East, the average price of a home bought with a mortgage was £167,000, up from £156,000 a year earlier.

Across Great Britain, the average price for buying with a mortage in December 2024 was £277,000, which was up from an average of £265,000 in December 2023.

Our mortgage calculator shows how monthly repayments are changing at local area level, based on the latest house prices and interest rates.

Price paid when buying with a mortgage or cash in South Tyneside

Average house price in December 2024

For cash buyers in South Tyneside, the average was £143,000 in December 2024 (provisional), which was up from a revised figure of £134,000 a year earlier.

In December 2024, the average was £151,000 in the North East and £255,000 in Great Britain.

More data about South Tyneside

Explore more local data for South Tyneside.

More data on the housing market

This article is regularly updated with the most recent rents and house prices information. The full time series for rental prices can be found in our associated data releases. The full time series for house prices can be found in the UK House Price Index reports on

You can also read our most recent Private rent and house prices bulletin.

The methods used to produce the rental prices can be found in the Price Index of Private Rents Quality and Methodology Information. The methods used to produce the house prices can be found in the House Price Index Quality and Methodology Information.

About this article

The content in this article is generated using semi-automated journalism, based on rules pre-programmed by Office for National Statistics (ONS) staff.

This is a new product in Beta release, intended to improve the accessibility of housing market data at local level. Send us feedback about this page or contact the Housing Market Indices team by emailing

Articles are not available for Isles of Scilly and City of London, as the survey samples of the resident population are too small.

We will add Northern Ireland data to this tool following the release of more granular private rent price statistics for Northern Ireland, which we aim to do in March 2025.

All article pages for local authorities