You asked

Please provide the following information:

  1. English statistics on breast cancer incidence rates for South Asian and/or Pakistani women for the period from January 2006 to the most recent date available.

  2. Alternatively, any kind of information available that shows a breakdown of cancer rates for this ethnic group please? Please provide for the last calendar year, or the latest available full year.

  3. English statistics on uptake of cancer screening for South Asian and/or Pakistani women from the period from January 2006 to the most recent date available.

We said

The information requested is not available, as ethnicity is not routinely recorded on individual cancer registrations.

In 2009, the National Cancer Intelligence Network and Cancer Research UK published a report titled “Cancer Incidence and Survival by Major Ethnic Group, England, 2002-2006” , in collaboration with the Cancer Research UK Cancer Survival Group at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. This report is available at:

The analysis for this report was carried out using cancer registration data linked to Hospital Episode Statistics data.

The latest published figures on cancer incidence in England are available on the National Statistics website at:

The latest published figures on cancer survival in England are available on the National Statistics website at: