Net investment by UK financial institutions
£ -34,169 million
2018 Q4
- Release date:
- 21 March 2019
- Next release:
- This release is being discontinued

Funded occupational pension schemes in the UK: October 2023 to March 2024
What's in the bulletin?
- The market value of private sector defined benefit and hybrid pension schemes increased from £1,111 billion to £1,179 billion (6%) between 30 September 2023 and 31 March 2024, caused by rises in long-term debt securities and insurance policies assets.
- The combined market value of private sector defined contribution and public sector defined benefit and hybrid pension schemes increased from £736 billion to £830 billion (13%) between 30 September 2023 and 31 March 2024, caused by rises in pooled investment vehicle and equities holdings.
- Private sector defined benefit and hybrid pension scheme liability driven investment pooled holdings rose by £6 billion (4%), while repurchase agreements (repo) holdings increased by £3 billion (3%) between 30 September 2023 and 31 March 2024.
Ownership of UK quoted shares
The value of ordinary shares held in UK incorporated companies listed on the London Stock Exchange by sector of the owner, with a geographical breakdown for shares owned outside the UK.
Time series related to Investments, pensions and trusts
£ -34,169 million 2018 Q4
- Release date:
- 21 March 2019
- Next release:
- This release is being discontinued
£ -366 million 2018 Q4
- Release date:
- 21 March 2019
- Next release:
- This release is being discontinued
£ 2,414 million 2018 Q4
- Release date:
- 21 March 2019
- Next release:
- This release is being discontinued
£ -33,134 million 2018 Q4
- Release date:
- 21 March 2019
- Next release:
- This release is being discontinued
Datasets related to Investments, pensions and trusts
Funded occupational pension schemes in the UK
Data on membership, contributions, benefits, assets (including overseas) and liabilities of funded occupational pension schemes in the UK. Data are quarterly from the Financial Survey of Pension Schemes (FSPS).
Investment by Insurance Companies, Pension Funds and Trusts time series dataset
Quarterly net investment, balance sheet and income and expenditure data. All data are reported on a current price basis (effects of price changes included).
Ownership of UK shares
Additional reference tables for ownership of quoted UK shares.
Share ownership time series
Time series data - share register survey report.
Investment by Insurance Companies, Pension Funds and Trusts time series dataset
Quarterly net investment, balance sheet and income and expenditure data. All data are reported on a current price basis (effects of price changes included).
Investment by insurance companies, pension funds and trusts (MQ5) - revisions triangle
A revisions triangle of estimates from 1996 to date and the calculations behind the averages.
Publications related to Investments, pensions and trusts
Statistical bulletins
Funded occupational pension schemes in the UK: October 2023 to March 2024
Financial Survey of Pension Schemes (FSPS) estimates including membership, income and expenditure, assets, and liabilities of pension schemes.
MQ5: Investment by insurance companies, pension funds and trusts: October to December 2018
Investment choices of financial institutions based on financial transactions (investments and disinvestments), including balance sheet data for short-term assets and liabilities, and income and expenditure data.
Ownership of UK quoted shares: 2022
The value of ordinary shares held in UK incorporated companies listed on the London Stock Exchange by sector of the owner, with a geographical breakdown for shares owned outside the UK.
Occupational Pension Schemes Survey, UK: 2018
The nature of occupational pension provision in the UK providing summary data from the Occupational Pension Schemes Survey on membership of schemes and contributions paid.
Funded occupational pension schemes in the UK: October 2023 to March 2024
Financial Survey of Pension Schemes (FSPS) estimates including membership, income and expenditure, assets, and liabilities of pension schemes.
UK pension surveys
Results from the new Financial Survey of Pension Schemes, which collects data from occupational pension schemes in the UK from April 2019. Results include employer and employee contributions, benefits, transfers, assets and liabilities.
Money in funded pensions and insurance in the UK National Accounts
Using information from the national accounts, this article addresses 2 questions of interest for the UK economy: how much money is there in funded pensions and insurance and how has this picture changed over time?
Pension Trends
Contributions to private (non-state) pensions. Private pensions considered are: occupational schemes for private sector and public sector employees; and personal pensions, including group personal and stakeholder pensions.
Methodology related to Investments, pensions and trusts
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