Gross Value Added (Average) at basic prices: CP SA £m
£ 640,429 m
2024 Q3
- Release date:
- 23 December 2024
- Next release:
- 13 February 2025

Regional economic activity by gross value added (balanced), UK: 1998 to 2017
What's in the bulletin?
- In November 2018, the balanced measure of regional gross value added (GVA), along with both of its constituent parts, was awarded National Statistics status, following an assessment by the Office for Statistics Regulation.
- In 2017, GVA for the UK, in chained volume measures, increased by 1.9%; the highest annual “real” growth of NUTS1 areas was in London at 3.0% and the lowest annual growth was in Yorkshire and The Humber at 0.7%.
- GVA for the UK in current basic prices grew by 3.6% between 2016 and 2017; the highest annual nominal growth of NUTS1 areas was in London at 4.2% and the lowest annual growth was in the North East at 1.4%.
Time series related to Gross Value Added (GVA)
£ 640,429 m 2024 Q3
- Release date:
- 23 December 2024
- Next release:
- 13 February 2025
Datasets related to Gross Value Added (GVA)
Regional gross value added (income approach)
Annual estimates of UK regional gross value added, income approach (GVA(I)) for NUTS1, NUTS2 and NUTS3 regions. Current basic prices, growths and per head indices.
Regional GVA(I) by local authority in the UK
These tables show gross value added allocated to local authorities in the UK. These data are not National Statistics, but have been produced in response to user need.
Regional gross value added (balanced) by local authority in the UK
Experimental estimates of balanced regional gross value added (GVA), in current prices and GVA per head, for local authority areas, with a broad industry breakdown.
Regional gross value added (balanced) by industry: all ITL regions
Annual estimates of balanced UK regional gross value added (GVA(B)). Current price estimates, chained volume measures and implied deflators for UK countries, ITL1, ITL2 and ITL3 regions, with a detailed industry breakdown.
Regional gross value added (balanced) by combined authority in the UK
Experimental estimates of balanced regional gross value added (GVA), in current prices and GVA per head, for combined authority areas, with a broad industry breakdown.
Publications related to Gross Value Added (GVA)
Statistical bulletins
Regional economic activity by gross value added (balanced), UK: 1998 to 2017
Annual estimates of economic activity by UK country, region and local area using balanced regional gross value added (GVA(B)). Estimates are available in current basic prices and in chained volume measures.
Regional gross value added (production approach), UK: 1998 to 2014
An experimental measure of regional GVA (the increase in the value of the economy due to the production of goods and services) at 2 geographical levels (region and sub-region).
Gross domestic product, preliminary estimate: January to March 2018
Preliminary estimate for gross domestic product (GDP) containing constant price gross value added (GVA) data for the UK. Data are available by industrial sector.
Non-financial business economy, UK (Annual Business Survey): 2017 provisional results
Size and growth within the UK's non-financial business sectors: non-financial services, distribution, production, construction and agriculture.
Gross value added for local enterprise partnerships in England
Data and commentary on nominal gross value added (GVA) and productivity for local enterprise partnerships (LEPs).
Methodology related to Gross Value Added (GVA)
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