
UK Environmental Accounts: 2024
What's in the bulletin?
- UK greenhouse gas emissions on a residence basis increased by 1.2% between 2021 and 2022, to 506 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent.
- Consumer expenditure remained the largest single contributor to UK emissions in 2022, with 24.6%, while the energy sector continued to be the second largest, at 16.4%.
- Emissions from the transport sector have increased by 39.6% since 2021, largely driven by increasing activity after Coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions.

Low Carbon and Renewable Energy Economy Survey indirect estimates, UK: 2015 to 2022
What's in the bulletin?
- Our updated methods to produce low carbon and renewable energy economy (LCREE) indirect estimates use our UK input-output analytical tables: industry by industry dataset; estimates for 2021 and 2022 are provisional.
- Indirect estimates indicate the effect that direct economic activity has on the wider economy.
- UK indirect LCREE turnover was an estimated £27.8 billion in 2022, and indirect employment was estimated at 182,400 full-time equivalent employees (FTEs).
Estimates of quarterly greenhouse gas emissions (residence basis), UK
Estimates of greenhouse gas emissions using the Chow-Lin regression-based temporal disaggregation method.
Datasets related to Environmental accounts
Low carbon and renewable energy economy indirect estimates
Annual estimates of Low Carbon and Renewable Energy Economy (LCREE) direct, indirect, and total turnover and employment in the UK, by sector and group. These are official statistics in development.
Physical energy flow accounts (PEFA)
Physical energy flow accounts (PEFA) record the flows of energy from the environment to the economy, within the economy, and from the economy back to the environment.
Estimates of quarterly greenhouse gas emissions
Estimates of greenhouse gas emissions using the Chow-Lin regression-based temporal disaggregation method, quarterly data.
Environmental Protection Expenditure Survey estimates: by industry and activity
Estimates for the UK's environmental protection expenditure by industry and activity, 2015 to 2022.
Environmental taxes
Data on the UK government's revenue from environmental taxes (including energy, transport and pollution or resource taxes), 1997 to 2023 (where available).
Low carbon and renewable energy economy estimates
This release includes annual estimates of low carbon and renewable energy economy activity in the UK and constituent countries: turnover, employment, exports, imports, acquisitions, disposals and number of businesses.
Publications related to Environmental accounts
Statistical bulletins
Low Carbon and Renewable Energy Economy Survey indirect estimates, UK: 2015 to 2022
Indirect and total estimates of turnover and employment in the low carbon and renewable energy economy. These are official statistics in development.
Environmental Protection Expenditure Survey, UK: 2022
Estimates of environmental protection expenditure by UK industry and activity, based on the Environmental Protection Expenditure (EPE) Survey.
Greenhouse gas emissions, UK: provisional estimates, 2023
Measuring the air emissions generated by UK economic activities.
UK environmental taxes: 2023
The value and composition of UK environmental taxes from 1997 to 2023, by type of tax and economic activity, and comparisons with other European countries.
Low carbon and renewable energy economy, UK: 2022
Estimates of the size of the UK's low carbon and renewable energy economy, including turnover and employment.
Habitat extent and condition, natural capital, UK: 2022
The size of area and condition indicators for eight natural UK habitats, including woodland, enclosed farmland, semi-natural grasslands and coastal margins. Uses the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting framework for Ecosystem Accounting. Experimental estimates.
Developing estimates of depletion for the UK natural capital accounts
Developing methods to estimate the depletion of UK natural capital assets, with initial results for three non-renewable services. These are official statistics in development.
Greenhouse gas emissions and trade, UK
Patterns of UK greenhouse gas emissions embedded in goods trade and structural change as a likely contributor to falling emissions
Developing quarterly greenhouse gas emissions accounts, UK
Update on work to develop a measure of quarterly UK greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on a residency basis, and future development and publication plans.
Over half of younger drivers likely to switch to electric in next decade
With the sale of vehicles reliant on fossil fuels set to end by 2030, what barriers exist for drivers to make the switch, and is the necessary infrastructure in place?
Carbon dioxide emissions and woodland coverage where you live
The levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and woodland coverage vary across the UK. Our interactive maps let you see how your area looks, and how it compares with other areas.
COVID-19 restrictions cut household emissions
With more people staying at home last year, household greenhouse gas emissions dropped by 10%. Could the shift to home working see lower emissions in the longer term?
Methodology related to Environmental accounts
- Low Carbon and Renewable Energy Economy (LCREE) Survey: indirect estimates methodology
- Environmental accounts on environmental taxes QMI
- Low Carbon and Renewable Energy Economy (LCREE) Survey QMI
- Measuring UK greenhouse gas emissions
- Habitat extent and condition methodology, natural capital, UK: 2022
- UK natural capital accounts: Tourism and recreation method changes
- Natural Capital
- Principles of Natural Capital Accounting
- UK natural capital accounts: Tourism - methodology
- The challenges of defining a "green job"
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