You asked

Please provide the most up to date figures available for:

a. The number of citizens who currently live in South Manchester wards who were born in Manchester and

b. The number of citizens who currently live in South Manchester who were born outside of Manchester

For those who were born outside of Manchester, please could you provide a breakdown of where exactly those citizens were born (ie. The city, town, country of birth) if available.

We said

Thank you for your request.

Unfortunately, we don’t have estimates of your exact requirements, as our data on the number of people currently living in wards doesn’t include where they were born. We can provide estimates of those currently living in wards and separately we can provide estimates of those living in an area by their country of birth. The lowest geographical area for the latter estimates however are Local/Unitary Authority.

To access our estimates of those currently living in wards in Manchester please follow this link to the latest available estimates for mid-2017. These estimates are published annually in October. We don’t have a specific geographical area of ‘South Manchester’ so you will need to know which wards you are interested in.

Please follow this link to access our country of birth estimates. Please be aware the latest available estimates for this data is mid-June 2018, so please select the time period you would like to look at. Please also note that these estimates are based on the Annual Population Survey, which is a household survey and does not cover most communal establishments. These estimates are available on a mid-year and calendar year basis. Within the file you will find the lowest geography level is local/unitary authority. Table A and Table B show the country of birth for those people resident within that area.

When accessing any of our files please read the 'notes, terms and conditions' contained within them.

Please do not hesitate to contact us directly on if you require anything further.