You asked

I request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act:

In what year was the Crime Aggravation Marker for Transgender added to Crime Recording Standards in England?

How many hate crimes with the Aggravation Marker for Transgender have been recorded each year since this was introduced?

We said

Thank you for your enquiry.

In 2007, the police, Crown Prosecution Service, Prison Service (now the National Offender Management Service) and other agencies that make up the criminal justice system agreed a common definition of monitored hate crime to cover the following five 'strands': disability, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation and transgender identity. Primarily, this was to ensure a consistent working definition to allow accurate recording and monitoring. For more information regarding when it became part of the Crime Recording Standard, the Home Office may be best placed to answer. They can be contacted at the following email address:

Statistics on hate crimes in England and Wales, recorded by the police from 2011 to 2020 can be found here. Specifically, Table 2.1 in the most recent Hate Crime, England and Wales, 2019 to 2020: data tables contains time series data of hate crimes recorded by the police, by monitored hate crime strands, 2011/12 to 2019/20.

As well as containing police recorded data, this release also holds information on hate crime from the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW). The CSEW is a victimisation survey that asks respondents what crimes they have experienced in the previous 12 months. Due to the low volume of hate crime incidents in the sample survey, we are unable to report single year of CSEW data. Therefore, please note that these estimates are based on combined data for the year ending March 2018 to the year ending March 2020.

If you have any further questions the Home Office may be best placed to answer them as the data owners. They can be contacted at the following email address:

If you have any other crime-related queries in the future, you can email and we will endeavour to help.