FOI Ref: FOI/2022/4589
You asked
Please provide information (period 2020-2021-2022 years) based on the indicators below:
1. Crimes relating to the abuse of an older person - Neglect, Pressuring someone to give away money or property, Psychological, Physical violence or sexual.
2. Crimes relating to the abuse of a youth - Neglect, financial or material abuse, Psychological, Physical violence or sexual.
We said
Thank you for your enquiry.
We have several links that you may find useful.
The Crime in England and Wales quarterly bulletin has a good overview of the data we publish.
In terms of physical violence, The Nature of violent crime in England and Wales release has a breakdown of victims of violent crime by age.
In terms of sexual offences, Sexual offences in England and Wales overview, has more detail and includes links to other relevant publications.
You may also find the Child Sexual Abuse in England and Wales release useful. However please note that the latest available data here is from the year ending March 2019.
Additionally, in 2016, we published an article on Abuse during childhood where adults were asked questions on whether they experienced abuse as a child.
Unfortunately, we do not hold the other data you have requested. It may be that the Home Office can help you further. They can be contacted at: