FOI Ref: FOI/2022/3527
You asked
Please provide the number of deaths caused by the Covid-19 vaccination.
We said
Thank you for your request.
Our data is derived from the death certificate, using information received at the point of death registration. For the vaccine to be mentioned on the death certificate the medical professional certifying the death must have believed, to the best of their knowledge, that the vaccine was part of the events that led to the death. Deaths reported as due to or involving the COVID-19 vaccination are recorded using ICD-10 code U12.9.
We report deaths attributed to adverse reaction to the COVID-19 vaccination monthly within our Monthly Mortality Analysis. The latest data available is December 2021.
There are currently 15 deaths registered in England and Wales with the aligning ICD codes for this, 10 of these deaths have ICD-10 U12.9 as the underlying cause.
However, please note that these are deaths across all age groups since the rollout of the vaccination in December 2020 and there are no deaths registered under the age of 35.
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