You asked
Please could you provide the following information relating to Domestic Abuse:-
Number of reported domestic incidents Male Victim / Female Perpetrator
Number of reported domestic incidents Female victim / Male Perpetrator
Number of incidents that have resulted in charges charge rates (where allegations have led to a criminal charge) Male Victim / Female Perpetrator
Number of incidents that have resulted in charges charge rates (where allegations have led to a criminal charge) Female victim / Male Perpetrator
Number of criminal convictions Male Victim / Female Perpetrator
Number of criminal convictions Female victim / Male Perpetrator
Number of males murdered (related domestic abuse)
Number of females murdered (related domestic abuse)
Number of male suicides related to domestic abuse
Number of female suicides related to domestic abuse
Number of male suicides relating to parental alienation
Number of female suicides relating to parental alienation
We said
Thank you for your request relating to domestic abuse.
Unfortunately, we do not hold many of the statistics you have requested. Crime statistics published by ONS generally relate to victims of crime rather than perpetrators and convictions.
Data on domestic abuse-related incidents are held by the Home Office. Whilst we have published data on domestic abuse-related incidents at the national, and police force area level, we do not own this data. The Home Office may be able to help you with a victim-perpetrator breakdown. You can contact them at:
Data on convictions are primarily held by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), who may be better placed to answer your query in relation to criminal convictions and charge rates. You can contact them at:
In answer to your questions surrounding the number of males and females murdered related to domestic abuse, Appendix Table 14 of the Domestic Abuse in England and Wales: year ending March 2017 release is the closest information I can provide you. This table presents the numbers of domestic homicides of male and females. For your information, homicides include the offences of murder, manslaughter, corporate manslaughter and infanticide. Domestic includes the relationships of partner, ex-partner or family member.
We do not hold data on suicides. The Mortality statistics team at ONS do hold some data on suicides but these cannot be related to domestic abuse or parental alienation.
For future reference, you can email and we will endeavour to help.