You asked
I would like to have specific information about any violence, assault, sexual harassment, rape, or murder reported/conducted against trans individuals within that time frame, including the victim’s name (if possible), age, gender, and detailed location/reported location of where the incident happened.
We said
Thank you for your enquiry relating to data on hate crime against trans and non-binary individuals.
The Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) generates very few cases of hate crimes against transgender individuals due to a small sample size. Releasing this information would be equivalent to releasing individual personal details which we are legally obliged not to do. In addition, s.40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 gives us exemption from releasing personal data relating to individuals.
You may however be interested to know that there are a limited back series of datasets available on police recorded hate crimes published by the Home Office. This information does not include details relating to the victim or the precise location of the incident. These datasets are updated annually, and the latest Home Office statistical bulletin 'Hate Crimes: England and Wales 2015/16’ is available via the following link:
Specifically, two of the accompanying data tables provide statistics on hate crime by transgender at England and Wales level. These are:
Table 2: Hate crimes recorded by the police, by monitored strand, 2011/12 to 2015/16 (Numbers and percentage change)
Figure 2.5: Breakdown of hate crime by selected offence types and monitored strand, 2015/16 (Percentages)
These selected offence types include public order offences, violence against the person, criminal damage and arson and other notifiable offences (which include crimes such as theft, burglary and sexual offences). A breakdown of hate crime by selected offence types for previous years can be found in previous releases of the ‘Hate Crime Statistics’ going back to 2011/12:
If you have any further questions regarding these reports please contact the Home Office directly at
While 2011/12 is the earliest that the Home Office collected data on hate crime, there is also some further earlier information collected by the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) which is available at: