FOI reference: FOI-2024-2353

You asked

Knife crime statistics for the county of Kent from 2014 – present. If possible, broken down into statistics for Under 18's and Over 18's. 

Specifically statistics around

  1. Reports per 100,000 of the population
  2. Breakdowns of  crimes in which a knife was used
  3. Fatalities
  4. Conviction rate for those using a knife

We said

Thank you for your enquiry. 

The Home Office are responsible for collecting police recorded crimes and publish data on other firearms, knives and offensive weapon offences in Kent Police Force Area (PFA) within their Police recorded crime open data Police Force Area, year ending March 2013 onwards tables.  

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) also produce the number of knife and sharp instrument offences recorded by the police, for selected offences, by Police Force Area within Tables P5 and P6 of our Crime in England and Wales: Police Force Area data tables. Within the same set of tables, we publish Table P7 showing offences involving knife or sharp instrument rate per 100,000 recorded by the police for selected offences, by Police Force Area, England and Wales (excluding Greater Manchester Police). Unfortunately, these tables are not broken down by age.  

The Ministry of Justice publish the number of prosecutions and convictions by age, PFA and offence type within their Outcomes by Offence data tool: December 2023 spreadsheet.