FOI reference: FOI-2023-1557

You asked

For each of the London boroughs, and for London as a whole:

  • Breakdown of population by age group
  • Breakdown of population by ethnicity
  • Breakdown of households by household type

We said

Thank you for your request.

The data you have asked for is available using the Create a Custom Dataset tool. The tool enables users to find and download multiple combinations of data they are most interested in.

Please see the associated download named 'London Boroughs', which contains Census 2021 datasets for all London boroughs and for London region on age, ethnic group, and household type.

We have also provided instructions in the associated downloads, should you wish to produce additional datasets.

If you have any queries about these data or would like help with using our custom data tool, our Census Customer Services team would be happy to help. They can be contacted via the following email address: