You asked

How many Africans are living in the United Kingdom?
How many British born Africans are living in the United Kingdom?
What is the largest African community residing in the United Kingdom?
What is the population of the largest African community in the United Kingdom?
Where are Africans mostly populated in the United Kingdom?
What are the top 10 African countries with the highest diaspora community in the UK?
How many Africans live in England?
How many Africans live in Wales?
How many Africans live in Scotland?
How many Africans live in Northern Ireland?
How many Africans come from abroad to study in the United Kingdom yearly?
What is the largest age group of Africans in the United Kingdom?
How many Africans visit the United Kingdom yearly?
How many Africans come from abroad to work in the United Kingdom yearly?
How many Africans are undocumented in the United Kingdom?
How many African refugees are living in the United Kingdom?

We said

Thank you for your questions about the African diaspora community in the UK.

The estimated number of Africans residing in the United Kingdom by country of birth and nationality can be found in the Population of the UK by country of birth and nationality dataset (last released 24 August 2017). You can obtain a total figure by adding together estimates for North and Sub-Saharan Africans.

We do not publish data about how many British-born Africans live in the UK or about which are the top 10 African countries with the highest diaspora community in the UK. It may be possible they could be produced as an ad hoc enquiry but this would attract a charge (see Social Analysis Charge Rates through this link).

Relating to your questions about the size and location of African communities, you can find a detailed breakdown of Africans by individual country of birth and nationality broken down by local authority in the Population by country of birth and nationality underlying datasets.

Annual estimates of international migrants entering and leaving the UK broken down by citizenship and main reason for migration are published in the IPS 4.02, main reason for migration by citizenship dataset. Estimates are for North and Sub-Saharan Africans and are not by individual country of birth or nationality. You can find a more detailed breakdown in the IPS 4.05, main reason for migration by country of last or next residence. However, this does not necessarily correspond with their nationality/country of birth, but where they had previously been living and where they are moving to.

We do not hold data broken down by individual age groups.

By visitor, we have taken it to mean short-term international migration. In this case, the Short Term International Migration tables will provide you with the number of North and Sub-Saharan Africans visiting England and Wales. To get UK data you would need to contact Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency and National Records Scotland about similar data for their respective countries.

We do not hold any data about undocumented Africans in the UK.

When accessing any of our files please read the "notes, terms and conditions" contained within them.

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us on