You asked

How many illegal migrants have been charged with murder or attempted murder in the U.K. since year 2000 up to the present day Wednesday the 12th of August 2020?

We said

Thank you for your enquiry relating to the numbers of illegal migrants that have been charged with murder or attempted murder in the UK since year 2000 up to the present day Wednesday the 12th of August 2020.

Unfortunately, we do not hold the information that you have requested. While we do publish some information relating to the outcomes of homicides in our Homicide in England and Wales: year ending March 2019 article. The actual data are collated and owned by the Home Office. It may be possible that they can help you further. They can be contacted by email at

Please note that the Home Office only collects data for England and Wales only. Homicide data for Scotland can be found in the Homicide in Scotland 2018-2019: statistics article and they can be contacted at

Equivalent data for Northern Ireland are not published on their website but if you contact them directly, they may be able to help you further. Their contact details can be found at the following website:

If you have any crime-related queries in the future, you can email