You asked

Under FOI I require you to disclose the following: 

The dates and names of UKSA personnel who have met with employees of Full Fact within the last year.

All emails between the Chair, directors and staff of UKSA and Full Fact within the last two years.

We said

Please find a table showing the dates that UK Statistics Authority personnel have met with employees of Full Fact within the last year and also the names of those members of staff.

Please also find email correspondence between UK Statistics Authority personnel and Full Fact from within the last two years. Please note, some personal information held within these emails has been redacted under s.40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Dates UKSA Personnel
04/08/2014 Ed Humpherson
25/09/2014 Ed Humpherson
14/10/2014 Ed Humpherson
17/11/2014 John Pullinger
22/01/2015 Guy Goodwin
25/02/2015 Glen Watson
03/03/2015 Sir Andrew Dilnot and Ross Young
07/05/2015 Ross Young
10/07/2015 Ed Humpherson

Email correspondence between UKSA personnel and employees of Full Fact

John Pullinger
Glen Watson
Ed Humpherson
Ross Young
Misc Redacted

Downloads associated with request