You asked
Please provide the statistics of women committing violent crimes from the year 2000 until 2017.
We said
Thank you for your enquiry.
We publish statistics from two main sources: the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) and police recorded crime.
While we do publish a small amount of data on offenders, both of our sources of data focus mainly on the victims of crime and not the perpetrators.
Table 3.1 within our most recent release of the 'Nature of crime tables, violence' shows offender characteristics in violent incidents from the year ending March 2007 to year ending March 2017 Crime Survey for England and Wales:
Data for earlier years are available in the links below. Please note that data for some years may differ between tables where revisions have been made.
Year ending March 2006 (table 3.1):
Year ending March 2004 and 2005 (table 7.1):
Data published prior to 2011/12 were published by the Home Office and are available in the links below.
Year ending March 2003 (table 7.1):
Year ending March 2002 and 2000 (table 5.04):
These tables show that between the year 2000 and the year ending March 2017 surveys, the proportion of violent incidents where the offender was female varied between 11% and 18%. In addition some incidents involved both male and female offenders.
Statistics regarding perpetrators of crime are primarily collected by the Ministry of Justice and they may be able to provide further assistance if you require any additional information. They can be contacted at the following email address:
If you would like any further information in the future, you can email us at and we will endeavour to help.