FOI reference: FOI-2024-2286
You asked
Can you please confirm if Office for National Statistics, have utilised Crown Commercial Services RM6277 Framework for the hire of either:
Contingent Labour
Agency Workers
If the answer is yes, can you please confirm how you engage with suppliers on the RM6277 Framework? Ie at Line Manger Discretion or if this process is managed by a particular department?
Can you also confirm the following:
The name and/or Job Title of the person or team who is responsible the use of the RM6277 Framework on behalf of Office for National Statistics
Contact email address of the person or team who is responsible the use of the Framework on behalf of Office for National Statistics
We said
Thank you for your request
Yes, agency workers via direct award; due to the specialist nature of the contract. Commercial undertake all tender processes.
Regarding the second part of your request this information constitutes personal data and is therefore exempt under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA).
ONS has a dedicated Commercial Services team, which is responsible for Procurement, Contract Management and Commercial Intelligence.
If you are interested in becoming an ONS supplier, or bidding for an ongoing Procurement, please register your details at our portal.
Alternatively please email us at
All contracts over £10,000 will be added to Contracts Finder, as mandated by the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.