1. SRS Metadata Catalogue
The Secure Research Service (SRS) Metadata Catalogue is an interactive way for you to discover what data are available for research in the SRS. You can search the catalogue by name or keyword to identify and retrieve relevant datasets and their descriptive metadata which includes its periodicity, frequency and spatial coverage, as well as a high-level description. You can also now search for specific words within the variable names and descriptions for most datasets. This allows you to assess whether the dataset will meet your research needs before becoming an accredited researcher or submitting a project application.
The SRS Metadata Catalogue was launched in cooperation with our partners, ADR UK and Metadataworks. We welcome any feedback so please contact SRS.data.management@ons.gov.uk or complete the feedback form.
Access the SRS Metadata Catalogue
Citing data in the SRS Metadata Catalogue
Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) are now available for the Secure Research Service (SRS) Metadata Catalogue. You can add the DOI to your data citation in any published work from your research - from published papers and reports to pieces in the media, social media and wider internet. Those writing about or promoting data can also cite the DOI, so that mentions can be picked up for impact tracking.
Help on using our DOIs and catalogue can be found in Frequently Asked Questions.
Back to table of contents2. Data refresh 'arrivals board'
Our new data refresh ‘arrivals board’ will provide a monthly update on when data is being refreshed, alongside an expected date for any delayed deliveries. We will endeavour to provide timely updates for all data refreshes, and give as much information as we can about any delayed items.
Back to table of contents3. Matching
Researchers can match together different datasets they have access to in their Secure Research Service (SRS) project using common variables (for example, Local Authority, Occupation codes).
Where data have been provided with an operational ID, we will pseudonymise it (transform it into a mix of numbers and letters) to become an Office for National Statistics (ONS) ID that is meaningless outside the SRS environment. The ONS ID enables the researcher to match tables within the SRS environment. An example of an operational ID that has been pseudonymised is the "entref" variable, which is included in many of the business datasets held in the SRS.
Back to table of contents4. Inter-Departmental Business Register
If you need to identify a specific subset of businesses within datasets held in the Secure Research Service (SRS) and/or match data in the SRS to data you already hold for a subset of businesses, this can be using either Companies House Reference Number (CRN), or business names and addresses.
This linkage work needs to be carried out by the ONS' Inter-Departmental Business Register (IDBR) team who operate separately to the SRS. There is a charge for this service. Researchers wanting to make a request for a business-linked dataset should contact idbrdas@ons.gov.uk to discuss their requirement. If this service is required, researchers will need to confirm they are happy to proceed with their project on this basis. Researchers must be willing to pay for the matching work based on the cost provided by the ONS before the application is submitted to the Research Accreditation Panel for approval.
If you require one of these services, this should be clearly specified in the linkage section of your project application. For either method, the results will be de-identified before being made available to you in your project.
Back to table of contents5. Using longitudinal educational outcomes (LEO) datasets
If you are looking to use the LEO dataset you are required to complete the relevant variable request form and attach alongside your application on the Research Accreditation Service (RAS) to specify the data tables or variables that are required for the project. This is required to support the technical handling of any variables.
To use the LEO dataset, complete the LEO I2SE variable request form.
Back to table of contents6. Contact details
You can contact the Secure Research Service (SRS) Customer Support team for more information by email srs.customer.support@ons.gov.uk.
If you require initial log on credentials or a password reset, please contact by telephone on +44 1329 447871 between the hours of 9am and 11am and 1pm and 3pm.
Back to table of contentsRelated downloads
- Data refresh arrivals board (19.1 kB xlsx)
- ONS Approved Organisation Access Release Record (72.2 kB xls) (72.2 kB xls)
- ONS Local Development Plans Release Record (31.9 kB xlsx) (31.9 kB xlsx)
- ONS Ministerial Direction Release Record (178.2 kB xls) (178.2 kB xls)
- LEO I2SE Variable Request Form V2.3 (727.0 kB xlsx)