Related downloads
- What the Census means to you (127.7 kB pdf)
- Factsheet 1: The Census (146.5 kB pdf)
- Factsheet 2: Why we Need a Census (132.6 kB pdf)
- Factsheet 3: Census 2001 - What's New? (143.0 kB pdf)
- Factsheet 4: Counting Everyone In - The Big Challenge (152.2 kB pdf)
- Factsheet 5: The Census Organisation (163.9 kB pdf)
- Factsheet 6: Census Jobs (155.8 kB pdf)
- Factsheet 7: The Census and the Law (140.5 kB pdf)
- Factsheet 8: Census Taking through the Ages (151.6 kB pdf)
- Factsheet 9: The Census Questions (379.8 kB pdf)
- Factsheet 10: Why UK plc should 'Count Itself In' (94.0 kB pdf)