Mnemonic: ethnic_group_tb
Applicability: Person
Type: Derived variable


The ethnic group that the person completing the census feels they belong to. This could be based on their culture, family background, identity or physical appearance.

Respondents could choose one out of 19 tick-box response categories, including write-in response options.


Total number of categories: 20

Code Name
1 Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Bangladeshi
2 Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Chinese
3 Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Indian
4 Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Pakistani
5 Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Other Asian
6 Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African: African
7 Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African: Caribbean
8 Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African: Other Black
9 Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: White and Asian
10 Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: White and Black African
11 Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: White and Black Caribbean
12 Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Other Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups
13 White: English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British
14 White: Irish
15 White: Gypsy or Irish Traveller
16 White: Roma
17 White: Other White
18 Other ethnic group: Arab
19 Other ethnic group: Any other ethnic group
-8 Does not apply*

*Students and schoolchildren living away during term-time.

View all ethnic group classifications.


Read about how we developed and tested the questions for Census 2021.

Comparability with the 2011 Census

Broadly comparable

The question about the ethnic group people feel they belong to is self-identified and is subjectively meaningful to the person answering the question. This means that how a person chooses to identify can change over time.

We have included a new Roma category next to the Gypsy or Irish Traveller tick-box within the White category. We have also added a write-in option for those selecting African within the Black, Caribbean or Black British category. This means that a more specific ethnic background could be recorded.

What does broadly comparable mean?

A variable that is broadly comparable means that it can be generally compared with the same variable used in the 2011 Census. However, changes may have been made to the question or options that people could choose from or how write-in answers are classified.

England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland comparisons

Broadly comparable

The variable produced for England and Wales provides estimates for some different ethnic groups, so may not be directly compared to the variables produced by Scotland and Northern Ireland.

What does broadly comparable mean?

A variable that is broadly comparable means that outputs from Census 2021 in England and Wales can generally be compared with Scotland and Northern Ireland. Differences in how the data were collected or presented may reduce the ability to fully harmonise on outputs, but some harmonisation is still expected.

Find out more about variables produced for Census 2021 in Northern Ireland and Census 2022 in Scotland.

Census 2021 data that uses this variable

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