Dataset: Trade in goods: country by commodity
Country by commodity data on the UK's trade in goods, including trade by all countries and selected commodities, exports and imports, non seasonally adjusted.
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In this dataset
Unit of measurement
Countries and territories
- W1 - Whole world
- B5 - EU(28)
- D5 - Non-EU (Rest of World)
- AD - Andorra
- AE - United Arab Emirates
- AF - Afghanistan
- AG - Antigua & Barbuda
- AI - Anguilla
- AL - Albania
- AM - Armenia
- Exports
- Imports
- United Kingdom
Standard industrial trade classification
- T: Total
- 0: Food & live animals
- 1: Beverages & tobacco
- 2: Crude materials
- 3: Fuels
- 4: Animal & vegetable oils & fats
- 5: Chemicals
- 6: Material manufactures
- 7: Machinery & transport equipment
- 8: Miscellaneous manufactures
- All months between January 1997 and January 2024
Quality and methodology information
- Where the data comes from (source)
- The accuracy and reliability of the data
- The relevance of the data to certain applications or uses
- Things to consider when using the data
Read the full Quality and methodology information (QMI) for this dataset.
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