Dataset: Personal well-being estimates by local authority
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In this dataset
Unit of measurement
- Average (mean)
- Poor
- Fair
- Good
- Very good
Learn more about Estimate
The well-being thresholds in this dataset are different to the standard well-being thresholds that are published as part of this release. This is because the data for the anxiety measure needs to be interpreted differently to the other three well-being measures. For example, high happiness scores relate to a positive well-being, while high anxiety scores relate to a poor well-being. The well-being thresholds used in this dataset map onto the thresholds used in the main publication in the following way: - Poor = Low levels of life satisfaction, worthwhile, happiness and high levels of anxiety. - Fair = Medium levels of life satisfaction, worthwhile, happiness and anxiety. - Good = High levels of life satisfaction, worthwhile, happiness and low levels of anxiety. - Very good = Very high levels of life satisfaction, worthwhile, happiness and very low levels of anxiety.
- United Kingdom
- England
- Wales
- Scotland
- Northern Ireland
- North East
- North West
- Yorkshire and The Humber
- East Midlands
- West Midlands
Learn more about Geography
Geographic areas are updated regularly where new unitary authorities may be created and replace existing local authorities. For more information see the "Notes" tab within the main dataset.
All measures of well-being
- Anxiety
- Happiness
- Life satisfaction
- Worthwhile
- 2021-22
- 2020-21
- 2019-20
- 2018-19
- 2017-18
- 2016-17
- 2015-16
- 2014-15
- 2013-14
- 2012-13
- 2011-12
What has changed in this edition
Some estimates for the periods between April 2011 and March 2019 have been updated. This is because of changes in guidance on suppressing data, where estimates are no longer required to be suppressed solely based on their co-efficient of variation (CV) values. Previously published estimates were suppressed based on their CV values being over 20. We have also updated some estimates following quality assurance of previous publications. Therefore, estimates published alongside this release supersede previously published data tables.
Some estimates for the periods between April 2011 and March 2019 have been updated. This is because of changes in guidance on suppressing data, where estimates are no longer required to be suppressed solely based on their co-efficient of variation (CV) values. Previously published estimates were suppressed based on their CV values being over 20. We have also updated some estimates following quality assurance of previous publications. Therefore, estimates published alongside this release supersede previously published data tables.
Quality and methodology information
- Where the data comes from (source)
- The accuracy and reliability of the data
- The relevance of the data to certain applications or uses
- Things to consider when using the data
Read the full Quality and methodology information (QMI) for this dataset.
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