1. Main macroeconomic variables

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2. Output by sector

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3. Employment levels by sectors and subsectors

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4. Employment levels by employment type, gender, sectors and subsectors

Figure 10: Half of industries have seen an increase in the percentage of females employed since 1996

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Figure 11: Total workforce jobs, employee jobs, and self-employed jobs, by industry and sex

UK, 1996 to 2018


  1. Women are largely concentrated in the human health and social work activities.
  2. Men experienced a downward trend in manufacturing and a rising trend in wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles.
  3. Self-employed men are largely concentrated in construction.

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5. You may also be interested in

Long-term trends in UK employment: 1861 to 2018

Examines the long-term trends in UK employment and provides the historical and legislative context behind some of the trends. Includes analysis by various components, such as industrial sector, sex, full-time and part-time employment, private and public sector employment, as well as employee and self-employed.

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6. Authors

Ammar Qayyum, Tingyi (Paloma) Ye Zhang, Freya Lawrence, Jack Yull and Joe Marlow

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Contact details for this Article

Amina Syed
Telephone: +44 (0)1633 455315