All data related to UK data gaps: Inclusive Data Action Plan towards the global Sustainable Development Goal indicators:
This is our first report on UK data gaps for reporting progress towards the global Sustainable Development Goal indicators.
We have assessed the 114 global SDG indicators reported on our National Reporting Platform to see whether data are available for the six of the eight disaggregations specified by the United Nations. The remaining disaggregations are for geography (which we have reported separately) and race - which has not been reported as data are not regularly collected in the UK, but further assessment is required before we can report on this characteristic.
We have assessed the 114 global SDG indicators reported on our National Reporting Platform and have presented the levels of geographic coverage for these data - at a headline indicator and disaggregation level.
We have assessed all 244 global SDG indicators by goal and classified them according to their reporting status, such as: data gap, non-statistical indicator, data published or unreported - which means that we believe existing data exist or developments are in progress.