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  • Business investment by industry and asset

    Detailed breakdown of business investment by industry and asset, in current prices and chained volume measures, non-seasonally adjusted and seasonally adjusted, UK, Quarter 1 (Jan to Mar) 1997 to Quarter 3 (July to Sept) 2024.

  • Business investment by asset

    Detailed breakdown of business investment by asset, in current prices and chained volume measures, non-seasonally adjusted and seasonally adjusted, UK.

  • Business investment – revisions triangles

    Summary of revisions to levels and growth rates of business investment, by quarter, chained volume measures, seasonally adjusted, UK.

  • Business investment time series

    Detailed breakdown of business investment by industry and asset, in current prices, chained volume measures, non-seasonally adjusted and seasonally adjusted.

  • Business investment real-time database

    Real-time database to accompany revision triangles, by quarter, chained volume measures, seasonally adjusted, UK.

  • Gross fixed capital formation – by sector and asset

    Sector and asset breakdowns of gross fixed capital formation (GFCF), including business investment and revisions.

  • Annual estimates of gross fixed capital formation (investment) by industry and asset, in current prices and chained volume measures, consistent with the UK National Accounts.