All data related to Quarterly National Accounts: Quarter 4 (Oct to Dec) 2015
A detailed breakdown of the components of GDP as well as key sector accounts aggregates, including the third estimate of quarterly GDP.
Analysis of GNI on an ESA 95 basis for the calendar year of 2015
The quarterly and annual movements of growth and contributions to growth of output components of UK GVA.
The quarterly and annual movements of growth and contributions to growth of expenditure components of UK GDP.
The quarterly and annual movements of growth and contributions to growth of income components of UK GDP.
The quarterly movements of growth and contributions to growth of implied UK GDP deflators.
The quarterly movements of revisions to UK GVA.
The quarterly movements of revisions to expenditure components of UK GDP.
The quarterly movements of revisions to income components of UK GDP.
The UK quarterly revisions to movements of net lending / net borrowing by sector.
Annual and quarterly low-level aggregates of UK output gross value added (GVA) on a constant- and current-price basis.