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Around 1 in 30 adults miss work because of industrial action

Around 1 in 30 working adults reported that they missed work because of industrial action between 25 January and 5 February 2023.

That is 3% of working adults across Britain, according to our latest Public Opinions and Social Trends Survey. That means 97% of respondents said they had not missed work as a result of industrial action.

The survey period covers strike action by teachers, train drivers, civil servants and university staff, although the majority of responses came before the industrial action taken on 1 February.

In the latest period, more than 9 in 10 adults (92%) in Great Britain reported the cost of living as an important issue facing the UK today.

There has been a slight increase in adults reporting the NHS as an important issue over the winter period, and a decrease in reporting climate change and the environment. This may be due to seasonal pressures and cold weather.

More than half of adults (51%) reported that they were very, or somewhat, worried about keeping warm in their home this winter, in line with the previous period.

We have recently published data about the impact of winter pressures on adults in Great Britain and depression among adults in the context of the rising cost of living.

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Worries about the rising costs of living
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Impact of cost of living on adults
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