UK House Price Index: August 2023

Monthly house price inflation in the UK, calculated using data from HM Land Registry, Registers of Scotland, and Land and Property Services Northern Ireland.

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Email Aimee North

Release date:
18 October 2023

Next release:
15 November 2023

1. Main points

  • Average UK house prices increased by 0.2% in the 12 months to August 2023 (provisional estimate), down from 0.7% (revised estimate) in July 2023.

  • The average UK house price was £291,000 in August 2023, which was little changed from 12 months ago, but £9,000 above the recent low point in March 2023.

  • Average house prices over the 12 months to August 2023 remained little changed in England to £310,000 (0.0%), decreased in Wales to £217,000 (negative 0.1%) and increased in Scotland to £194,000 (1.1%).

  • Average house prices increased by 2.7% to £174,000 in the year to Quarter 2 (Apr to June) 2023 in Northern Ireland.

  • The North East saw the highest annual percentage change of all English regions in the 12 months to August 2023 (3.6%), while the East of England saw the lowest (negative 1.6%).

These estimates are provisional and are subject to revision. All statistics are non-seasonally adjusted estimates, unless explicitly stated otherwise.

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2. UK house prices

The latest UK House Price Index data published on GOV.UK by HM Land Registry (HMLR) for August 2023 show that average UK house price annual inflation was 0.2% (provisional estimate) in the 12 months to August 2023, This was down from the revised estimate of 0.7% in the 12 months to July 2023. UK house price annual inflation has been generally slowing since July 2022, when annual inflation was 13.8%. The provisional estimate for average UK house price was £291,000 in August 2023, which was only a small change from 12 months ago, but £9,000 above the recent low point in March 2023.

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic affected the supply of housing transactions for a period of time. For further information, see Section 7: Measuring the data.

The provisional seasonally adjusted estimate for UK residential transactions in August 2023 was 87,010, reported in HM Revenue and Customs' (HMRC's) Monthly property transactions statistics. This provisional volume estimate for August 2023 is 16% lower than the revised estimate for August 2022 and 1% higher than the provisional estimate for July 2023.

On a seasonally adjusted basis, the average UK house price increased by 0.2% in August 2023, following a month-on-month decrease of 0.3% in July 2023.

On a non-seasonally adjusted basis, the average UK house price increased by 0.3% in August 2023, following a month-on-month increase of 0.8% in July 2023.

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3. House prices by country

The average house price in England remained little changed (0.0%) over the 12 months to August 2023 (provisional estimate), down from an increase of 0.7% (revised estimate) in the 12 months to July 2023. The average house price in England was £310,000 (provisional estimate) in August 2023, £9,000 higher than the recent low point in March 2023.

The average house price in Scotland increased by 1.1% (provisional estimate) over the 12 months to August 2023, up from an increase of 0.1% (revised estimate) in the 12 months to July 2023. The average house price in Scotland was £194,000 (provisional estimate) in August 2023, £13,000 higher than the recent low point in February 2023.

The average house price in Wales decreased by 0.1% (provisional estimate) over the 12 months to August 2023, down from an increase of 0.5% (revised estimate) in the 12 months to July 2023. Following an upwards revision to last month's provisional estimate of annual inflation for July 2023, the negative 0.1% (provisional estimate) annual inflation for August 2023 represents the first annual fall in Wales' average house price since April 2020. The average house price in Wales was £217,000 in August 2023, £8,000 higher than the recent low point in April 2023.

The average house price in Northern Ireland increased by 2.7% over the year to Quarter 2 (Apr to June) 2023. Northern Ireland remains the cheapest country in the UK in which to purchase a property, with the average house price at £174,000.

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4. House prices by region in England

London's average house prices remain the most expensive of any region in the UK, with an average price of £536,000 in August 2023 and an annual inflation rate of negative 1.4% in the 12 months to August 2023. London’s annual inflation slowed in August 2023 because London prices decreased (negative 0.1%) between July and August 2023, while prices increased between the same months last year.

The North East continued to have the lowest average house price of all English regions, at £165,000 in August 2023.

The North East is also the region with the highest annual house price inflation, with average prices increasing by 3.6% in the 12 months to August 2023, up from an annual inflation of 2.5% in July 2023.

The East of England is the English region with the lowest annual house price inflation, with average prices decreasing by 1.6% in the 12 months to August 2023. This was down from an increase of 0.3% in the 12 months to July 2023. The average East of England house price fell 0.7% between July and August 2023, while the average price rose 1.2% between the same months last year.

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5. House Price Index data

UK House Price Index
Dataset | Released 18 October 2023
Monthly house price movements, including average price by property type, sales and cash mortgage sales, as well as information on first-time buyers, new builds and former owner occupiers. Data are collected by HM Land Registry and published on GOV.UK.

House price data: quarterly tables
Dataset | Released 16 August 2023
Quarterly house price data based on a sub-sample of the Regulated Mortgage Survey.

House price data: annual tables 20 to 38
Dataset | Released 19 July 2023
Annual house price data based on a sub-sample of the Regulated Mortgage Survey.

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6. Glossary

House Price Index (HPI)

The House Price Index (HPI) measures the price changes of residential housing as a percentage change from a specific time period (12 months before, or a base period where the HPI in 2015 equals 100).

House price inflation

House price inflation in the UK is the rate at which the prices of residential properties purchased in the UK rise and fall.

Non-seasonally adjusted

A non-seasonally adjusted series is one that includes seasonal or calendar effects.

Seasonally adjusted

A seasonally adjusted series is one that has been subject to a widely used technique for removing seasonal or calendar effects from time series data.

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7. Measuring the data

The UK House Price Index (HPI) is a joint production by HM Land Registry (HMLR), Registers of Scotland, Land and Property Services Northern Ireland, and the Office for National Statistics (ONS). HMLR publishes the UK House Price Index reports on GOV.UK (at 9:30am, 18 October 2023). The reports contain full details, including commentary, historical data tables and analytical tools.

Revision policy

It takes time for property transactions to be processed following purchase completion, so transaction volumes available for use in the UK HPI build over time. Each month, as more transactions are processed and more data become available for a given month, UK HPI estimates are revised.

Therefore, caution is advised when interpreting price changes in the most recent periods, since UK HPI estimates are provisional for the most recent months and are revised for 12 months (until the 13th estimate, which is final), in line with the UK HPI revision policy.

HM Land Registry (HMLR) transactions

HMLR has increased the use of automation in application processing. This means that initial transaction numbers may be lower than pre-coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic volumes; however, in the medium to long term, this will lead to higher volumes being processed.

We have temporarily changed the date we receive the transaction data from HMLR. As a result, we receive more transactions than those immediately seen in the published HMLR's Price Paid Data datasets.

The processing of new build properties has been more affected than the processing of "old build" properties. To address this, we have pooled new build transactions for certain months in England and Wales, which means that:

  • January 2023 includes new build transactions from December 2022 and January 2023

  • February 2023 includes new build transactions from January and February 2023

  • March 2023 includes new build transactions from February and March 2023

  • April 2023 includes new build transactions from March and April 2023

  • May 2023 includes new build transactions from April and May 2023

  • June 2023 includes new build transactions from May and June 2023

  • July 2023 includes new build transactions from June and July 2023

August 2023 has not been affected, as new builds are excluded from the model for the first estimate because of the nature of their processing.

These changes might lead to larger revisions to published estimates than usual, as we reduce the reliance on pooling. Further information on how we usually process the new build properties can be found in HMLR's Quality and methodology guidance.

Sales volumes

Sales are only available for inclusion in the UK HPI after property purchases have been registered (or submitted for registration, in Scotland), so is based on completed sales rather than advertised or approved prices. Registration takes time, so there can be a delay before transactions feed into UK HPI estimates. Estimates for the most recent months are provisional and likely to be revised as more data become available and are incorporated.

The provisional UK HPI estimates for August 2023 are based on approximately 26,000 records for England, which represents roughly 33% of the provisional property transactions estimate, published by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). UK HPI provisional estimates for August 2023 also include approximately 7,000 records for Scotland (79% of transactions) and approximately 1,000 records for Wales (35% of transactions). This represents the number of records that are available at the time of calculating the UK HPI and not the number of transactions that have taken place. As time progresses, more records will become available for August 2023 and will be used to revise the UK HPI in line with our published revision policy.

However, it should be noted that there are some coverage differences between the sales volumes used in the UK HPI dataset and the monthly property transactions statistics data. One reason for this difference is likely from misclassification between residential and non-residential transactions in HMRC data, as stated in their quality report, though HMRC take steps to reduce this measurement error. Another reason could be that residential property transactions where the buyer or seller is a corporate body, company or business are excluded from the HMLR data in the UK HPI, but included in HMRC property transaction statistics. Because of these coverage differences, the UK HPI and HMRC property transactions volumes are not directly comparable, and sales volumes in the UK HPI are likely to be lower than transaction volume estimates published by HMRC.

Data sources

The main sources of data used in the UK are HMLR for England and Wales, Registers of Scotland, and HMRC's Stamp Duty Land Tax data for the Northern Ireland HPI.

Quality and methodology

More information on quality and methodology, strengths and limitations, appropriate uses, and how the data were created is available in HMLR's UK House Price Index guidance on GOV.UK.

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8. Strengths and limitations

Further information on strengths and limitations of the data can be found in Section 1.4 of HM Land Registry's (HMLR's) Quality and methodology guidance.

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10. Cite this statistical bulletin

Office for National Statistics (ONS), released 18 October 2023, ONS website, statistical bulletin, UK House Price Index: August 2023

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Contact details for this Statistical bulletin

Aimee North
Telephone: +44 1633 456400