29 June 2018
A small error occurred in the UK Economic Accounts time series dataset due to incorrect data being published.
We have corrected this error. You can see all previous versions of this data on the previous versions page.
We apologise for any inconvenience.
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25 July 2018
A minor error has been identified in Switzerland service exports. The error fed through to the below series and affects 2017 (quarters and annual) and Quarter 1 (Jan to Mar) 2018. The error was due to a processing issue and does not affect any other outputs within the release. All affected series have now been corrected. D38G in table B6B, Switzerland services exports, seasonally adjusted, D38F in table B6B, Switzerland goods and services exports, seasonally adjusted, D3N5 in table B6B, Switzerland total credits, seasonally adjusted, D39A in table B6B_3, Switzerland services balances, seasonally adjusted, D399 in table B6B_3, Switzerland goods and services balances, seasonally adjusted, D3N7 in table B6B_3, Switzerland current account balances, seasonally adjusted, FYVU in table B6C, Switzerland services exports, not seasonally adjusted, LGIL in table B6C, Switzerland goods and services exports, not seasonally adjusted, LEOY in table B6C, Switzerland total credits, not seasonally adjusted, GGRO in table B6C_3, Switzerland services balances, not seasonally adjusted, LGMV in table B6C_3, Switzerland goods and services balances, not seasonally adjusted, LEPA in table B6C_3, Switzerland current account balances, not seasonally adjusted
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22 October 2018
ONS identified a processing error that caused Households Individual consumption expenditure (ABJQ) to be incorrect in the quarterly, current price, seasonally adjusted data for 1985 Q1 to 1986 Q4 published in tables 1.1.2, 6.2.6 and 6.2.12. This also affected Household Final Consumption Expenditure per head (CRXO) in table 1.1.5. The update has resulted in a small error to households’ gross saving of -0.01% which will be corrected in Blue Book 2019.
A related issue was identified in table 6.2.12 for Household final consumption expenditure by purpose and goods and services for 1985 Q1 to 1996 Q4. The affected series were all current price, seasonally adjusted, quarterly data.
We have corrected these errors. The affected growth rates have also been corrected.
You can see all previous versions of this data on the previous versions page. We apologise for any inconvenience. The UK Economic Accounts release for Quarter 2 (Apr-Jun) 2018 contained pensions estimates that were affected by a misallocation of certain data from the private sector to the public sector in 2017 (and, very slightly, in Quarter 1 (Jan-Mar) 2018). This was due to an operational issue that has now been resolved. The series directly impacted were ‘Other social insurance benefits’ for households and financial corporations, with the largest impact of £800m in Quarter 3 (Jul-Sep) 2017, or approximately 2-4% of the actual size of the series directly affected. There are small indirect impacts on households’ disposable income, households’ pension entitlements and the alternative measure of the savings ratio, but no impacts on the overall households’ savings ratio or households’ net borrowing. The estimates will be corrected in the next publication of UK Economic Accounts on 21 December 2018. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
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9 October 2019
A processing error was discovered in the historical data (1990 to 1997) within the following outputs:
- Table 1.1.6 of the UK Economic Accounts publication
- Tables AA, AE, B1 and B2 and GDP(O) low-level aggregates of the quarterly national accounts publication
- the time series datasets associated with these publications
This error affected the industry breakdown of output gross value added (GVA) for these years, but the totals were correct.
Please note that top level estimates of gross domestic product (GDP) are unaffected by this error.
This error has now been corrected.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
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10 October 2019
A processing error was discovered in the historical data (1990 to 1997) within the following outputs:
- Table 1.1.6 of the UK Economic Accounts publication
- Tables AA, AE, B1 and B2 and GDP(O) low-level aggregates of the quarterly national accounts publication
- the time series datasets associated with these publications
This error affected the industry breakdown of output gross value added (GVA) for these years, but the totals were correct.
Please note that top level estimates of gross domestic product (GDP) are unaffected by this error.
This error has now been corrected.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
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31 October 2019
31 October 2019
UK Economic Accounts table 1.1.12 (Consumption of fixed capital): Due to system issues, ONS were unable to publish quality assured capital consumption data for 2018 and 2019 for the Non-financial corporations, Financial corporations and Households and Non-profit institutions serving households sectors at the time of publication. Updated data now shown in this table for 2018 and 2019 have been reviewed and are now fully consistent with the Quarterly National Accounts publication.
31 October 2019
An error has been identified within the Trade in Services by country split and impacts tables B6, B6A, B6B, B6B_2, B6B_3, B6C, B6C_2, B6C_3 within the ‘UK Economic Accounts: balance of payments - current account’ publication tables as well as the corresponding time series. This was caused by a processing error within Trade and does not affect the whole world totals for Trade and the current account. This error has resulted in the below annual impacts: Trade in services for Russia; exports, imports and balance for 2015 and will indicatively increase by £1.0 billion for exports, £0.3 billion for imports and £0.7 billion for the balance. This will also impact total trade in goods and services and the total current account for Russia. Trade in services for USA, exports and balance for the years 2010 to 2018 and has indicative average change of £0.4 billion per year for exports and balance. This will also impact total trade in goods and services and the total current account for the USA. Trade in services for Hong Kong, exports and balance for 2012 and will indicatively decrease by £0.4 billion for exports and balance. This will also impact total trade in goods and services and the total current account for Hong Kong. Smaller impacts will also be seen for the other countries noted within these tables alongside the EU and EMU within the time period 1999 to 2018 for trade in services, total trade in goods and services and the total current account by country. Total trade in services and all other data in this release is not affected. The data has now been corrected we apologise for the inconvenience.
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10 January 2020
An error has been identified regarding the calculation of the Real disposable income implied deflator for both the households sector and households and non-profit institutions serving households combined sectors published with the Quarterly Sector Accounts statistical bulletin (Table HH2 and HH Alt) and UK Economic Accounts (Tables 6.1.4, 6.2.4 and 6.2.14) 2019 Quarter three releases. The error only affects 2016 quarterly data and corresponding growth rates and is annually neutral. This error has no impact upon any other series to those cited below.
CRXB – Real households and non-profit institutions serving households (S.14 + S.15) expenditure implied deflator: Index (Reference year 2016): Not seasonally adjusted YBFS – Real households and non-profit institutions serving households (S.14 + S.15) expenditure implied deflator: Index (Reference year 2016): Seasonally adjusted CRXA – Real households (S.14) expenditure implied deflator: Index (Reference year 2016): Not seasonally adjusted DG2Q – Real households (S.14) expenditure implied deflator: Index (Reference year 2016): Seasonally adjusted CSC8 - Real households (S.14) expenditure implied deflator: Y/Y-1 growth percent: Seasonally adjusted CSEZ - Real households (S.14) expenditure implied deflator: Q/Q-1 growth percent: Seasonally adjusted CSGE - Real households (S.14) expenditure implied deflator: Q/Q-4 percent: Seasonally adjusted CSK9 – Cash Basis Real Households (S.14) Expenditure implied deflator: Index (ref year = 2016): Seasonally adjusted CSJ6 - CASH BASIS Real Households (S.14) disposable income: £Million: Seasonally adjusted CSJ7 – CASH BASIS Real Households (S.14) disposable income: growth t/t-1 percent: Seasonally adjusted CSK4 – CASH BASIS Real Households (S.14) disposable income: growth t/t-4 percent: Seasonally adjusted CSK2 – CASH BASIS Real households (S.14) disposable income: Per head £: SA Seasonally adjusted CSK3 – CASH BASIS Real households (S.14) disposable income: Per head growth t/t-1 percent: Seasonally adjusted CT3K – CASH BASIS Real households (S.14) disposable income: Per head growth t/t-1 percent: Seasonally adjusted
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8 November 2021
A publication error occurred during the publication of the 2021 Quarter 2 reference table. A number of series were not updated and copied across into the reference tables correctly.
No other series were affected by this processing error.
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21 October 2022
Due to system issues the UK Economic Accounts published on the 30th September 2022 the General Government consumption of fixed capital series (NMXO) time series data was not published for the time periods 2021 annually and 2021 Quarter 1 onwards. This has now been rectified.
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10 November 2022
Due to system issues some balance of payments and gross fixed capital formation data within the UK Economic Accounts time series dataset published on the 30th September 2022 were incorrectly populated. This has now been updated with data consistent with Pink and Blue Books 2022.
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23 October 2023
Because of processing issues, the calculation of the statistical discrepancy of net lending (+) and net borrowing (-) between financial and capital accounts was not calculated correctly for the time period 1987 to 1997 in the Quarter 2 (Apr to June) 2023 release. This has now been rectified and the tables and data are now available. The series affected are as follows.
NYVK: United Kingdom (S1)
NYOY: Financial corporations except monetary financial institutions and insurance corporations and pension funds (S124 to S127)
NYPB: Insurance corporations and pension funds (S128 & S129)
NYOX: Financial corporations (S12)
NZDW: Central government (S1311)
NYOZ: General government (S13)
NYPA: Households (S14)
NYPH: Non-profit institutions serving households (S15)
NZDV: Households and Non-profit institutions serving households (S14 and S15)
All series are £million. current price, not seasonally adjusted
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
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