Summary of request
Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) 2014 to 2016. UK gross weekly pay, basic weekly pay-including other pay, gross hourly pay and gross hourly pay excluding overtime for Higher Education data and the matched sample growths.
Figures are given separately for all, full-time, part-time, male and female employees for gross weekly pay, basic weekly pay-including other pay, gross hourly pay and gross hourly pay excluding overtime. The coefficients of variation are also provided.
Please note:
These files were updated on 15 February 2017. Data for E72 and E72k were revised to include further information.
These files were updated on 17 February 2017. Data for E72 and E72k were updated to include further information.
Downloads associated with request
- Ad hoc E72 matched sample - matched sample growths for Higher Education employees (SIC 854) and those not in the Higher Education sector by specified SOC groups (181.8 kB zip)
- Ad hoc E72 - Higher Education employees (SIC 854) and those not in the Higher Education sector by specified SOC groups, including those in the Higher Education sector who are also covered by a national agreement (1.3 MB zip)
- Ad hoc E72k - those not in the Higher Education sector by specified SOC groups, broken down by private, public and not for profit sector (1.9 MB zip)
Download associated with request
- Ad hoc E72 matched sample - matched sample growths for Higher Education employees (SIC 854) and those not in the Higher Education sector by specified SOC groups (181.8 kB zip)
- Ad hoc E72 - Higher Education employees (SIC 854) and those not in the Higher Education sector by specified SOC groups, including those in the Higher Education sector who are also covered by a national agreement (1.3 MB zip)
- Ad hoc E72k - those not in the Higher Education sector by specified SOC groups, broken down by private, public and not for profit sector (1.9 MB zip)