Ed Humpherson, Director General for Office for Statistics Regulation
Office for Statistics Regulation
Fry Building
1st Floor, 2 Marsham Street

29 January 2025

Dear Ed,

Review of household total wealth in Great Britain

We are writing in response to your letter setting out your intention to review Household total wealth in Great Britain - the latest statistics from the Wealth and Assets Survey (WAS) – for compliance with key elements of the Code of Practice for Statistics.

WAS is an important and unique source of data on wealth in Great Britain and we welcome the opportunity to engage with you and your team on the quality of the survey data and corresponding statistics.

As requested, we are happy to share additional quality assurance material to support your review. We will also share our progress and plans to address survey collection challenges impacting the quality of these wealth statistics. They form part of our wider programme of improvements to increase the quality of household surveys which has already increased response on the Labour Force Survey and Living Costs and Food Survey.

Yours sincerely,

Alex Lambert, Director of Social Surveys

Jen Woolford, Director of Public Policy Analysis