
Older people living in care homes in 2021 and changes since 2011
Characteristics of the population aged 65 years and over living in a care home in 2021 including health, disability, ethnicity, and main language, and changes since 2011.
Living longer: older workers during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
The demographic and economic characteristics of older workers aged 50 years and over prior to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, and how the impact of the pandemic on older workers has varied based on these characteristics.
How would you support our ageing population?
There is a growing number of pensioners per person of working age living in the UK. Use our tool to change factors such as net migration and the State Pension age, and see how they affect this balance.
Datasets related to Ageing
Old age structure variant - UK population in age groups
Old age structure variant projection for the UK - population by five-year age groups and sex.
Mid-year population estimates of the very old, including centenarians: UK
Annual mid-year population estimates for those aged 90 years and over by sex and single year of age (90 to 104 years), and the 105 years and over age group, UK.
Mid-year population estimates of the very old, including centenarians: England and Wales
Annual mid-year population estimates for those aged 90 years and over by sex and single year of age (90 to 104 years), and the 105 years and over age group, England and Wales.
Publications related to Ageing
Statistical bulletins
Estimates of the very old, including centenarians, UK: 2002 to 2023
Annual mid-year population estimates for people aged 90 years and over by sex and single year of age to 105 years and over, and comparisons between UK countries.
Population estimates for the UK, England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland: mid-2023
National mid-year population estimates for the UK and its constituent countries, by age and sex.
Subnational population projections for England: 2018-based
Indicate potential future population size of English local and health authorities. Widely used in planning – for example labour market, housing, health and education.
How would you support our ageing population?
There is a growing number of pensioners per person of working age living in the UK. Use our tool to change factors such as net migration and the State Pension age, and see how they affect this balance.
UK population pyramid interactive
Use our interactive population pyramid to find out more about how the demographics of your local area compare with others across the country.
Subnational ageing tool
Use our interactive tool to compare current and projected indicators of ageing across local authorities, regions and countries in the UK
Living longer: is age 70 the new age 65?
Measuring ageing in terms of remaining life expectancy, instead of years lived, may provide a better indicator of the health of our ageing population.
Living longer
The demographic and economic characteristics of older workers aged 50 years and over prior to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, and how the impact of the pandemic on older workers has varied based on these characteristics.
Methodology related to Ageing
- Population estimates of the very old (including Centenarians) QMI
- Living longer: is age 70 the new age 65? Methodology guide
- Comparing methods of producing estimates of those aged 90 and over by single year of age and sex, England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the UK
- Estimates of the very old, including centenarians, QMI
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