All data related to Updating ethnic contrasts in deaths involving the coronavirus (COVID-19), England and Wales: deaths occurring 2 March to 28 July 2020
Updated estimates of mortality involving the coronavirus (COVID-19) by ethnic group, covering the period 2 March to 28 July 2020 in England and Wales.
Counts of coronavirus (COVID-19) related deaths by ethnic group in England and Wales.
Counts of coronavirus (COVID-19) related deaths by ethnic group in Wales.
Model estimates of deaths involving the coronavirus (COVID-19) by ethnic group for people in care homes in England.
Model estimates of deaths involving the coronavirus (COVID-19) by ethnic group for people in private households in England.
Prevalence rates of comorbidities by ethnic group in England.
Rates of deaths involving the coronavirus (COVID-19) by comorbidity and ethnic group in England.
Rates of coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths by ethnic group in England and Wales.
Rates of deaths involving the coronavirus (COVID-19) where individuals have specific comorbidities and sex in England.