All data related to Somali populations, England and Wales: Census 2021
Exploring the education, employment, health, housing, language and country of birth of residents who identified as Somali in England and Wales using Census 2021 data.
Somali populations by how they identified as Somali (through ethnic group, national identity, or both) and age and sex breakdowns across different geographical areas.
Somali populations by country of birth with age and sex breakdowns across different geographical areas.
Somali populations by highest qualification with age and sex breakdowns across different geographical areas.
Somali populations by health and disability status with age and sex breakdowns across different geographical areas.
Somali populations by homelessness with age and sex breakdowns across different geographical area
Somali populations by accommodation type, households of multiple occupancy, bedroom occupancy rating and tenure with age and sex breakdowns across different geographical areas
Somali populations by economic status and occupation with age and sex breakdowns across different geographical areas.
Somali populations by language and English language proficiency with age and sex breakdowns across different geographical areas.
Somali populations by family composition with sex breakdowns across different geographical areas.
Somali populations by unpaid care provision with age and and sex breakdowns across different geographical areas.