
Religion, England and Wales: Census 2021
What's in the bulletin?
- The religion question is voluntary; 94.0% (56.0 million) of usual residents answered the question in 2021, an increase from 92.9% (52.1 million) in 2011.
- For the first time in a census of England and Wales, less than half of the population (46.2%, 27.5 million people) reported their religion described themselves as “Christian”, a 13.1 percentage point decrease from 59.3% (33.3 million) in 2011;. Despite this decrease, “Christian” remained the most common response to the religion question.
- “No religion” was the second most common response, increasing by 12.0 percentage points to 37.2% (22.2 million) from 25.2% (14.1 million) in 2011.

Exploring religion in England and Wales: February 2020
Exploring the data available on people of different religious identities, to assess its quality and develop plans to build on its strengths and address its limitations.Research report on population estimates by ethnic group and religion
Office for National Statistics research work on a simple method for producing population estimates by ethnic group and religion.
Datasets related to Religion
Religion, education and work in England and Wales
Economic inactivity rate and reason, by sex and religion with breakdowns for the rate of employment, unemployment, inactivity and median gross hourly pay by religion in England and Wales. Estimates for the proportion of people employed as a manager, occupation skill level, industry and education attainment.
Population characteristics research tables
Supporting tables for Research report on population estimates by ethnic group and religion.
Publications related to Religion
Statistical bulletins
Religion, England and Wales: Census 2021
The religion of usual residents and household religious composition in England and Wales, Census 2021 data.
Religion, education and work in England and Wales
Statistics and analysis of education and employment outcomes of people of different religious identities in England and Wales.
Religion and crime in England and Wales
An overview of published statistics about crime and religion in England and Wales.
Religion and participation in England and Wales
Exploring the participation of religious groups in political activities and volunteering, including attitudes towards political beliefs and community cohesion.
Religion and health in England and Wales
Analysis of a range of health outcomes of people of different religious identities in England and Wales.
Methodology related to Religion
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