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Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and work

At the end of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (30 September 2021) 16% of businesses reported having had employees on furlough.

Between 3 and 14 November 2021, around two-thirds (67%) of working adults in Great Britain reported travelling to work.

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Over two-thirds of working adults are travelling to work

Percentage of working adults, Great Britain, January to November 2021

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Between 3 and 14 November 2021, around two-thirds (67%) of working adults in Great Britain reported travelling to work at some point in the past seven days. 3 in 10 working adults (30%) reported working from home at some point in the past seven days.

Last updated: 19/11/2021

Read more about this in Coronavirus and the social impacts on Great Britain

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Employment and furlough

Almost one in six businesses reported having had employees on furlough at the end of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme

The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) ended on 30 September 2021. In late October 2021, 16% of businesses not permanently stopped trading were reported to have had employees on furlough at the end of the CJRS.

Following the end of the CJRS, those 16% of businesses were asked, approximately what proportion of those furloughed employees had:

  • been made permanently redundant – 3% 

  • returned to work on increased hours – 6% 

  • returned to work on the same number of hours – 65% 

  • returned to work on reduced hours – 16% 

  • voluntarily left their role – 3% 

  • other – 8%

Further industry and size band breakdowns of end of furlough questions are available in the accompanying dataset .

Last updated: 04/11/2021

Read more about this in Business insights and impact on the UK economy 

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Further information

On this page we present work data from various surveys and publications from the Office for National Statistics including the Business Insights and Conditions Survey, the Opinions and Lifestyle Survey, and Economic activity and social change in the UK, real-time indicators.

To find out more about work data from different sources visit our more information page.

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