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Infections and deaths

Infections have increased across the UK

9 July 2021

Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases increased in England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland in the week ending 3 July 2021.

The estimated percentage of the community population (those not in hospitals, care homes or other institutional settings) that had COVID-19 was:

  • 0.61% in England (1 in 160 people)
  • 0.30% in Wales (1 in 340 people)
  • 0.33% in Northern Ireland (1 in 300 people)
  • 1.01% in Scotland (1 in 100 people)

In England, infections were estimated to be highest in the North East and North West regions.

Across England overall, estimated infection rates increased in all age groups and were highest in those in school Year 12 (aged 16 and 17 years) to age 24 years.

The percentage of people testing positive increased in all age groups in the week ending 3 July 2021 in England

Estimated percentage of the population testing positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19) on nose and throat swabs, daily, by age group from 23 May to 3 July 2021, England

Data for percentage testing positive by age group in England (XLSX, 37 KB)

Deaths in England and Wales fall below five-year average

6 July 2021

The number of deaths from all causes in England and Wales in the week ending 25 June 2021 was 8,690; 7.6% below the five-year average for the corresponding week.

There were 99 deaths involving coronavirus (COVID-19) registered in England and Wales in the week ending 25 June; three deaths fewer than the previous week. Deaths involving COVID-19 accounted for around 1 in 91, or 1.1%, of all deaths.

Deaths from all causes were below the five-year average in the week ending 25 June 2021

Provisional number of deaths registered by week, England and Wales, 28 December 2019 to 25 June 2021

Download number of deaths registered by week (XLSX, 23 KB)

Wales had one death involving COVID-19 in the week ending 25 June, having recorded zero the week before. The total number of deaths remained below the five-year average in Wales and all English regions.

The numbers of COVID-19 related deaths were similar to the numbers recorded in the week ending 18 June for most English regions and Wales. The largest increase was reported in the North West.

Compared with the previous week, the number of deaths involving COVID-19 decreased or was similar across all age groups in the week ending 25 June 2021. Most deaths were among those over 65-years-old.

Using the most up-to-date data, the total number of deaths involving COVID-19 in England and Wales is over 140,000 (140,560 registrations up to 25 June 2021).

Our data are based on deaths registered in England and Wales. They include all deaths where “novel coronavirus (COVID-19)” was mentioned on the death certificate. Weekly figures are available by local authority and health board.

COVID-19 antibodies continue to rise in line with vaccinations across the UK countries

7 July 2021

An estimated 89.8% of the adult population in England, 91.8% in Wales, 87.2% in Northern Ireland and 84.7% in Scotland tested positive for COVID-19 antibodies in the week beginning 14 June 2021.

During the same week, estimated vaccination rates continued to increase in all four UK countries.

The presence of antibodies suggests a person previously had COVID-19 or has been vaccinated.

Antibody positivity increases with age, reflecting age prioritisation in vaccination programmes. Vaccination rates are lowest in younger age groups but are increasing. Across the four UK countries, the estimated percentage of adults aged 25 to 34 years who have received one or more doses of COVID-19 vaccination ranged from 75.7% to 79.6%. This has increased sharply since the end of May 2021.

Across all four UK countries, there is a clear pattern between vaccination and COVID-19 antibodies

Modelled percentage of adults testing positive for antibodies to SARS-CoV-2, adults who have received one or more doses of a COVID-19 vaccine; and fully vaccinated adults, UK countries, 7 December 2020 to 20 June 2021

Modelled percentage of adults testing positive for antibodies, and percentage of vaccinated adults (XLSX, 38KB)

These statistics refer to antibody tests and vaccinations among people living in private households, and exclude those in hospitals, care homes and other institutional settings.

Our estimates of vaccination are provided for context alongside our antibodies estimates. The daily official government figures provide the actual numbers of vaccines issued.

North West and London had highest coronavirus death rate in 2020

6 July 2021

The North West was the region with the highest coronavirus (COVID-19) death rate in 2020, accounting for age and population structure, followed by London.

There were 73,766 deaths due to COVID-19 registered in 2020 in England and Wales, 12.1% of all deaths registered within the year.

Deaths “due” to COVID-19 are deaths where coronavirus is an underlying cause, as recorded on a death certificate.

Of deaths in hospital in 2020, nearly 1 in 5 (19.6%) were due to COVID-19. In care homes and communal establishments, deaths due to COVID-19 were 13.4% and 12.2% of deaths, respectively.

Of deaths registered in 2020, most people who died due to COVID-19 in England and Wales had a pre-existing health condition.

A small proportion (5.4%) of deaths registered as due to COVID-19 in 2020 were attributed to the disease after diagnosis based on symptoms without a test to confirm, or when a test result was inconclusive. This was rare after Spring 2020 and is likely because of limited availability of testing at the beginning of the pandemic.

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Economy, business and jobs

UK GDP grew by 0.8% in May 2021, primarily driven by the service sector

9 July 2021

Gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 0.8% in May 2021 as coronavirus restrictions continued to ease, with GDP now 3.1% below its pre-pandemic February 2020 levels. This was the fourth consecutive month of growth, albeit slower than in March (2.4%) and April (2.0%).

The services sector was the main contributor to the growth in GDP in May 2021. As lockdown restrictions eased through May, there was growth in consumer facing services such retail and hospitality. Having increased by 3.2% in May, consumer facing services are nearing their pre-pandemic levels.

The production sector grew by 0.8% in May 2021. The main driver of growth in the production sector was electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply which grew by 5.7% in May 2021. Meanwhile, the manufacturing sector remained flat.

The construction sector contracted by 0.8% in May 2021, following exceptionally strong growth in February and March, but it remains the only sector whose output is above its pre-pandemic level (February 2020). There were falls in repair and maintenance (1.6%), and new work (0.3%).

UK flight numbers in July 2021 at a third of the level seen in July 2019

8 July 2021

The seven-day average number of UK daily flights in the week ending 4 July 2021 was 2,126; around just a third of the level seen in the equivalent week of 2019.

This is an 8% increase from the previous week, according to data from EUROCONTROL, yet still far below the levels seen pre-pandemic. In 2019, the total number of flights from, to and within the UK ranged from approximately 5,000 per day in quieter months to over 6,500 per day in peak holiday season. After the Foreign and Commonwealth Office advised against all non-essential international travel (March 17 2020) and the UK first went into lockdown (March 23 2020), the number of flights fell to a record low of around 500 per day at the start of April 2020.

When lockdown measures began to ease in Summer 2020, flight numbers steadily increased. During July and August 2020, flight levels rose to nearly 3,000 per day (around 40% of the 2019 level) and then fell again in line with seasonal patterns until the usual increase prior to Christmas.

In early 2021, flight numbers remained steady at around 1,000 per day. Flights have since gradually increased from mid-May 2021 as the green list of countries was introduced (17 May 2021).

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People and social impacts

Most report more social distancing than they perceive in others

9 July 2021

Most adults felt that compliance with social distancing measures and wearing a face-covering were “important” or “very important”. However, their perception of other people's compliance with social distancing was lower.

Around 9 in 10 (87%) thought it was important to socially distance from those not in their household, childcare or support bubble. However, only 23% of adults felt that other people often or always did so.

Just over 9 in 10 (91%) thought it was important to wear a face-covering while shopping and 87% said that they had seen either “everyone” or “almost everyone” doing so while shopping.

Just under half (48%) met up indoors with someone not in their household, childcare or support bubble, while 58% met up outdoors. These proportions increased considerably as restrictions eased.

Almost all (96%) adults reported that they have now received or would be likely to accept a COVID-19 vaccine if offered. Of those aged 16 to 29 years, 90% reported positive vaccine sentiment, compared with 63% at the start of the vaccination programme in December 2020.

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User requests

We continue to respond to data requests from the public, media and government during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Responses are published in our list of user requested data.

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  • Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales, provisional

    Provisional number of deaths registered in England and Wales in the latest weeks.

  • Coronavirus and the social impacts on Great Britain

    Indicators from the Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (covering 16 to 27 March 2022) of the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on people, households and communities in Great Britain.

  • Coronavirus and the latest indicators for the UK economy and society

    This page has been superseded by the Economic activity and social change in the UK, real-time indicators page (see link in Notices) . This will be the new title and location of the bulletin presenting the real-time indicators of economic activity and social change, for 13 May 2021 and future releases.

  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey, UK

    Percentage of people testing positive for coronavirus (COVID-19) in private residential households in England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland, including regional and age breakdowns. This survey is being delivered in partnership with University of Oxford, University of Manchester, UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) and Wellcome Trust, working with the University of Oxford and partner laboratories to collect and test samples.

  • GDP monthly estimate, UK

    Gross domestic product (GDP) measures the value of goods and services produced in the UK. It estimates the size of and growth in the economy.