People aged 70 years and over are among those most at risk of severe illness from the coronavirus (COVID-19).

On Sunday 22 March 2020, the UK Government introduced shielding measures to protect the extremely vulnerable from the outbreak, with an estimated 1.5 million people being asked to stay at home and avoid all face-to-face contact for at least 12 weeks. Some over-70s will be in this group, while others are only allowed to leave their home in certain circumstances.

As the UK population steps up national, local and community efforts to support its most vulnerable members, use our interactive map to identify which areas have the highest percentage of people aged 70 or 85 years and over. To select an area enter a postcode or hover over the map.

Download the data (zip 42.8Mb)

  1. The data used to create this map do not allow individual people or households to be identified. Building groups are shaded to give a sense of the population density in an area.

Download local and regional estimates of those aged over 70years