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  • Disability and crime

    Anti-social behaviour (ASB) outcomes for disabled people in England and Wales aged 16 and over, with analysis by disability status, country, sex, age, impairment type, type of ASB. Domestic abuse and sexual assault outcomes for disabled people in England and Wales aged 16 to 59 years, with analysis by disability status, age, sex, impairment type, impairment severity, country and region. All outcomes using the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) data.

  • Disability and education

    Educational outcomes for disabled people in the UK aged 21 to 64 years, with analysis by age, sex, impairment type, impairment severity, country and region using Annual Population Survey (APS) data.

  • Disability and employment

    Employment outcomes for disabled people in the UK aged 16 to 64 years, with analysis by age, sex, impairment type, country, region, type of occupation and working patterns using Annual Population Survey (APS) data.

  • Disability and housing

    Housing outcomes for disabled people in the UK aged 16 to 64 years, with analysis by age, sex, impairment type, country and region using Annual Population Survey (APS) data.

  • Disability and loneliness

    Loneliness outcomes for disabled people in England aged 16 years and over, with analysis by age, sex, impairment severity and region using the Community Life Survey (CLS) data.

  • Disability and social participation

    Social participation outcomes for disabled people in England aged 16 years and over, with analysis of participation in civic engagements; social action; volunteering; and groups, clubs or organisations by age, sex, impairment severity and region using the Community Life Survey (CLS) data.

  • Disability and well-being

    Average well-being outcomes for disabled people in the UK aged 16 to 64 years, with analysis by age, sex, impairment type, impairment severity, country and region using Annual Population Survey (APS) data.