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  • Release date:
    07 December 2017
  • Next release:
    To be announced

About this Dataset

This dataset provides disability-free prevalence and disability-free life expectancy for UK local areas by method including census and published method estimates.

Edition in this dataset

Current edition of this dataset

Important notes and usage information

Worksheet Name



Modelled, published and census† based health prevalence †† rates and healthy life expectancies by age and area for the periods 2010 to 2012 and 2013 to 2015*

Worksheet Name



Modelled, published and census† based health prevalence †† rates and healthy life expectancies by age and area for the periods 2010 to 2012 and 2013 to 2015*

Worksheet name

Adjusted R Squared


Adjusted R Squared by sex, age and area for 2013 to 2015, for the 3 methods tested.


The adjusted R square term:

Similar to the R squared term, the adjusted R squared term measures the explanatory power of a regression model by measuring how well the data points fit the curve or equation predicted by a regression model. The adjusted R squared also takes into account the number of terms that have been added to the model to adjust the R square. It has a tendency to decrease if irrelevant terms have been added to the model and increase if more useful terms are added in. The adjusted R squared can sometimes be negative, if there are too many explanatory variables that weakly predict the model, given the amount of observations. The closer an adjusted R squared value is to 1, the more accurate explanatory power the model has.

The published Disability Free Life Expectancy estimates for the period 2013-15 can be found in the Health State Life Expectancy pivot table