
13 December 2019

Codes for local authorities in the South West region were not aligning correctly with area names, these have now been amended.

Also, data was missing for the area of ‘Somerset West and Taunton’ in the reference table for the life expectancy of males at birth, this has now been added.

Area names were also missing for West and East Suffolk for ‘LE at birth - Females’, which have now been added.

20 December 2019

Codes for a selection of local authorities were not aligning correctly with area names, these have now been amended.

Also, data was missing for the area of ‘Somerset West and Taunton’ in the reference table for the life expectancy of males at birth, this has now been added.

Area names were also missing for West and East Suffolk for ‘LE at birth - Females’, which have now been added.

  • Official Statistics logo
  • Release date:
    11 December 2019
  • Next release:
    December 2020

About this Dataset

Pivot table for life expectancy by sex and area type, divided by three-year intervals starting from 2001 to 2003.

Edition in this dataset

Current edition of this dataset

Previous versions of this data are available.

Contact details for this dataset

David Tabor
+44 (0)1633 455871

Publications that use this data