7 results , sorted by title
Energy efficiency of housing, England and Wales, five years rolling
Energy efficiency of dwellings, estimated CO2 emissions and main fuel type of central heating in England and Wales for five-year groups, by property type, tenure and whether new or existing.Keywords: dioxide, carbon, efficiency, energy, housing
Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) Band C or above, England and Wales
Dwellings with EPC Band C or above in England and Wales, by property type, tenure, property age and whether new or existing. -
Individual Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) Bands, England and Wales
EPC Bands of dwellings in England and Wales, by property type, tenure, property age and whether new or existing. -
Main fuel type or method of heating used in central heating, England and Wales
Main fuel type of central heating of dwellings in England and Wales, by property type, tenure, property age and whether new or existing.Keywords: heating, fuel, energy
Median energy efficiency score, England and Wales
Median energy efficiency score of dwellings in England and Wales, by property type, tenure, property age and whether new or existing. -
Median estimated carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, England and Wales
CO2 emissions of dwellings in England and Wales, by property type, tenure, property age and whether new or existing. -
Percentage of dwellings covered by an Energy Performance Certificate, England and Wales
Percentage of dwellings covered by an Energy Performance Certificate since records began in 2007.Keywords: EPC, representativeness, housing, efficiency