7 results , sorted by title
House price (existing dwellings) to residence-based earnings ratio
Affordability ratios calculated by dividing house prices for existing dwellings, by gross annual residence-based earnings. Based on the median and lower quartiles of both house prices and earnings in England and Wales.Keywords: House Prices, Existing dwellings, Earnings, Cheapest place to live, Most expensive place to live
House price (existing dwellings) to workplace-based earnings ratio
Affordability ratios calculated by dividing house prices for existing dwellings, by gross annual workplace-based earnings. Based on the median and lower quartiles of both house prices and earnings in England and Wales.Keywords: House Prices, Existing dwellings, Earnings, Cheapest place to live, Most expensive place to live
House price (newly built dwellings) to residence-based earnings ratio
Affordability ratios calculated by dividing house prices for newly-built dwellings, by gross annual residence-based earnings. Based on the median and lower quartiles of both house prices and earnings in England and Wales.Keywords: Newly-built dwellings, House Prices, Earnings, Cheapest place to live, Most expensive place to live
House price (newly built dwellings) to workplace-based earnings ratio
Affordability ratios calculated by dividing house prices for newly-built dwellings, by gross annual workplace-based earnings. Based on the median and lower quartiles of both house prices and earnings in England and Wales.Keywords: House Prices, Newly-built dwellings, Earnings, Cheapest place to live, Most expensive place to live
House price to residence-based earnings ratio
Affordability ratios calculated by dividing house prices by gross annual residence-based earnings. Based on the median and lower quartiles of both house prices and earnings in England and Wales.Keywords: House Prices, House Price Statistics for Small Areas, Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings, Cheapest place to live, Most expensive place to live
House price to workplace-based earnings ratio
Affordability ratios calculated by dividing house prices by gross annual workplace-based earnings. Based on the median and lower quartiles of both house prices and earnings in England and Wales.Keywords: House Prices, House Price Statistics for Small Areas, Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings, Cheapest place to live, Most expensive place to live
House price to workplace-based earnings ratio for former local authorities
Affordability ratios calculated by dividing house prices by gross annual workplace-based earnings for former local authorities.